ESHE - Inaugural Meeting
Leipzig, Germany, September 23-24, 2011

The Inaugural Meeting of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution (ESHE) was held in Leipzig, Germany from September 23-24, 2011. The event was a great success, with 62 podium presentations and 61 posters. This meeting is to be the first of an annual event, which is due to take place each year in the 3rd week of September.

Downloadable Meeting Information:




(photographs: Louis Volkmann)

ESHE Meetings


11-15 September
20-24 September
21-25 September
22-26 September
24-25 September
19-21 September
13-15 September
21-23 September
14-18 September
10-12 September
18-20 September
19-21 September
21-22 September
23-24 September


Marta Gómez Recio & Alba Bossoms Mesa*
Alfredo Suesta Guillen & Marie Vanhoof*
Alejandra Sotomayor Sainz & Igor Djakovic*
Jan Dekker & Hester Hanegraef*
Vanda Halász & Emily Hunter*
Ana Bucchi & Julia Stuhlträger*
Judith Beier & Andrew Sorensen*
A. Pantoja-Perez & H. Fewlass*
G. Oxilia A. Rodríguez-Hidalgo
Paul Kozowyk
Stephanie Schnorr Laura Martín Francés

*Pecha Kucha Prize Winner