Virtual ESHE 2021

The ESHE 2021 Abstracts are now published in the new PaleoAnthropology issue. Please click here to view.

The 2021 ESHE meeting will be held virtually and is free for all paid members of the society. It will follow a format similar to that of last year’s meeting with a mix of pre-available content and live interactive part scheduled for September 22-24. Registered meeting participants will have access to both components via links which will be posted here and circulated via e-mail ahead of the meeting.

Pre-available content is currently accessible in Google Classroom. Please use your ESHE credentials (provided via email to all registered participants) to enter .

It will include three presentation formats:

  • Pre-recorded standard 'podium' presentations. These will be limited to 10 minutes.

  • Pre-recorded Pecha Kucha presentations. These will follow the traditional format of 20 slides of 20 seconds each (summing up to a total presentation time of 6:40).

  • Poster presentations. These will follow traditional posters format with the additional option for presenters to include a short (maximum 5-minute) audio/video presentation explaining the poster.

    As we want to ensure enough time for meeting participants to go through the online content prior to the live meeting, we will ask all presenters to provide their pre-recorded presentations and posters between 1- 7 of September 2021. Specific instructions for content upload will be provided in due time.

    We intend to leave the online content on our platform for a period of time after the meeting is over (with the possibility to request your presentation’s/poster’s removal).

    The live interactive part will take place in the afternoons over three days (September 22-24). It will include the following:

  • Presentation discussion sessions. These will be moderated sessions in which presenters will give live elevator pitches of their full presentations which they included in the Pre-available content. These elevator pitches will be strictly limited in length (maximum 3-minutes) and number of slides (maximum 3 slides: including a title and a concluding slide). For every few presentations time for questions and answers and discussion will be allocated.

  • Poster discussion sessions: These will be unmoderated sessions in which presenters will be able to discuss their poster with the meeting participants in a simulated virtual poster session in is a virtual platform where you will have you own avatar and can move around in our interactive map and interact with other participants through video. This year we have supplemented the landscape with virtual poster boards where your poster will be ‘hanging’ for participants to see and read during the entire conference. You will be asked to be present for questions and discussion by your poster during your allocated poster session.

    Further details on poster sessions format will be made available in due time.

    Meeting platforms:

    Google Workspace and Gathertown


    We will maintain the tradition of handing out prizes for the best student Pecha Kucha and poster presentations this year as well.

    Meeting Registration Fees:

  • Paid members of the society: free

  • Professional non-members: 30 euros professional

  • Student non-members: 15 euros

    How to login to the conference platform

    If you participate in the online ESHE conference for the first time you receive an email with a username and password to log into the ESHE Conference web site. If you participated in the ESHE 2020 online conference your account will be reactivated and you can log in using your previous credentials, which you will receive in an email. As with last year, we are hosting the conference on the Google Workspace platform, and so logging into the meeting website is the same as logging into any Google account.

    The following instructions assume that you are using Google Chrome. It likely works with other browsers, but Chrome also likely does the best job managing your login. If you don't have Chrome, you can download it here.

    Step 1:
    Open Chrome. If you already have a Google account, you may want to log out of all accounts first by clicking on your account in the upper right corner. If you do not have an account or once you have logged out, click on the right left corner where it says "Sign in".

    Step 2:
    On the Choose Account screen, select "Use another account".

    Step 3:
    On the Sign In screen, use the login name we sent to you. Normally this should be the same name you use for your contact email with ESHE plus If you have trouble finding this, please contact us at

    Step 4:
    Now provide your password. Again, if you are a new participant we sent this to you in an email. If you have participated in the ESHE 2020 meeting , use you old password. If you have trouble remembering your old password click on the ''forgot password'', we set the recovery email as your normal ESHE contact mail. If you encounter any problems during this procedure, please contact

    Step 5:
    For new participants : When you first log in, Google will require you to set a new password. It is important that you use something secure but also something that you can remember for the duration of the conference. Note that it is impossible for us to know your password once you have reset it. If you do have trouble afterwards logging back into the system, we can reset your password. We have also made your normal ESHE contact email address the recovery address for your password. Again, if you have trouble, contact us at

    Step 6:
    Once logged into your account please use the dashboard (dots on the upper left corner) to access the google drive as well as the inbox.
    For uploading content on the drive, please follow the instructions sent to you in the 'Login information and Upload content' email.

    ESHE Meetings


    25-27 September
    11-15 September
    20-24 September
    21-25 September
    22-26 September
    24-25 September
    19-21 September
    13-15 September
    21-23 September
    14-18 September
    10-12 September
    18-20 September
    19-21 September
    21-22 September
    23-24 September


    Marta Gómez Recio & Alba Bossoms Mesa*
    Alfredo Suesta Guillen & Marie Vanhoof*
    Alejandra Sotomayor Sainz & Igor Djakovic*
    Jan Dekker & Hester Hanegraef*
    Vanda Halász & Emily Hunter*
    Ana Bucchi & Julia Stuhlträger*
    Judith Beier & Andrew Sorensen*
    A. Pantoja-Perez & H. Fewlass*
    G. Oxilia A. Rodríguez-Hidalgo
    Paul Kozowyk
    Stephanie Schnorr Laura Martín Francés

    *Pecha Kucha Prize Winner