ESHE Conference Downloads

Prof. Svante Pääbo Keynote Lecture

Prof. Svante Pääbo will be giving the keynote lecture on Friday, 13th of September, 19.30.

The event will take place here.

Address: Školska knjiga, Masarykova ul. 28, 10000, Zagreb
Your Webpage Title


ESHE 2024 Meeting

The 14th annual ESHE meeting will be held in person in Zagreb, Croatia, from the 11th to the 15th of September 2024. Preregistration and the opening reception will take place on September 11th. The conference will run from September 12th to 14th, with the excursion on September 15th. The public keynote lecture will take place on Friday the 13th of September.

Building on the success of previous conferences, ESHE 2024 will continue to offer a combination of physical and virtual participation. Members of ESHE will have the opportunity to follow the presentations online, as well as attend the conference in person and view presentations streamed live into the conference room.

Members do not need to register for the meeting to receive access to the video stream, but you must have paid your membership dues for this year, which will now be subscription-based. For more details on our new membership structure, please take a look at our membership page. Use our contact page if you are unsure if you have paid. Non-members who would also like to attend virtually must register and pay meeting fees to receive access to the video stream. Please note that pre-registration prices will be available until July 1st.

Abstract Submission – Deadline May 2nd

Abstract submission is open and will close at 23:59 (PST) on May 2nd. Please make sure to register first and to follow the guidelines listed on the abstracts page . We strongly recommend registering and paying the conference fees at least one week before abstract submission. Accepted presenters will be notified mid July. As always, the conference will feature Podium, Pecha Kucha, and Poster Presentations.

Information for Presenters

Podium Presentations

Podium presentations are aimed at communicating results while putting them into a broader perspective. The significance of the research for the field of human evolution as well as the limitations and future perspectives should be stated and discussed. Each presenter will have 15 minutes to present and a strict 5-minute time limit at the end of each session for questions directed at the presenter. All Podium presentations will be given in person.

Pecha Kucha Presentations

Pecha Kucha is a visual style of presentation aiming at communicating results in a concise way. Pecha Kucha presentations will be presented either online (for a limited number of presenters) or in person. Each Pecha Kucha presentation must contain 20 slides that are automatically run and each lasts for 20 seconds (inclusive of title and acknowledgement slides). For examples of scientific Pecha Kucha, please visit: Pecha Kucha Presentations - Annual Meeting 2020.

Poster Presentations

All posters must be in A0 Portrait format. Landscape format cannot be accepted due to space constraints. Presenters are expected to print and bring their posters with them to the meeting and display them before the first poster session. Presenters are responsible for hanging their posters on the designated board and are also responsible for removing their posters after their poster session. All poster sessions will be held in person.

Student Prizes for Best Pecha Kucha and Poster Presentations

ESHE is planning to award student prizes for Pecha Kucha and Poster presentations.

Student Travel Grants – Deadline June 4th

ESHE will offer a limited number of travel grants to students attending the 2024 ESHE meeting.

  • Criteria:
    • Applicants must be members of ESHE.
    • Applicants must be presenting either a Podium, Pecha Kucha, or Poster presentation at the meeting.
  • How to apply:
    • First ensure that you have registered for the 2024 meeting and have submitted an abstract.
    • Send a letter of financial justification to by June 4th. This letter must include:
      • Information on where you will be traveling from
      • A list of your anticipated expenses
      • Information on any other funds you already have at your disposal (i.e., grants, scholarships, stipends)
      • A short CV, maximum 1 page.


We are pleased to announce that, as in past conferences, we will be supporting parents attending our upcoming event by offering vouchers up to 500 euros towards childcare-related expenses. We understand the difficulties parents face and are committed to making our event as accessible and inclusive as possible. As such, we would also like to inform attendees that baby-wearing is permitted at the conference and we are currently looking into securing designated breastfeeding spaces. Interested parents can apply for the childcare voucher by emailing before July 1st. Please include a brief summary statement regarding how the requested funds will be used (e.g., to support an accompanying childcare provider, to hire a professional caretaker, to cover travel costs of a child or designated caretaker etc.) and list the actual anticipated childcare costs. Requests will be issued on a first-come, first-serve basis and the available funds will be divided amongst the total number of voucher applicants.

Venues and Excursion

Public Keynote Lecture

The Public keynote lecture will be delivered by Nobel laureate Prof. Svante Pääbo. The lecture has been rescheduled for Friday, the 13th of September.

Prof. Svante Pääbo

Conference and Poster Sessions, September 12th - 14th

The main conference and poster sessions will take place at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

DInner & Excursion - Vindija Cave and Krapina Museum

The dinner will be at 19.30 at the WESTIN hotel, view on Google Maps.

The excursion to Vindija Cave and Krapina Museum is scheduled to begin on the 15th of September at 9 AM starting from Zagreb.


09:00 Start - bus from Zagreb to Vindija

The bus will be leaving behind the hotel Esplanade, close to the main train station

Here are directions from the Philosophy Faculty to the Bus pickup location.

11:00 Vindija

12:30 Leaving for Krapina

13:30 Krapina - museum tour, based on groups and buses

17:00 Leaving for Zagreb

18:00 Arrival in Zagreb

There will be packed lunches provided

Exterior view of Krapina Neanderthal Museum. Photo by Damir Fabijanić, Archive of the Krapina Neanderthal Museum

Local and Travel Information

Travel to Zagreb:

By Train: Zagreb is well-connected by train to other European cities. Check the local train services for international connections to the Zagreb Glavni Kolodvor Train Station

By Air: Zagreb Airport (Franjo Tuđman Airport) is the largest and busiest international airport in Croatia. We encourage you to consider flying non-stop to reduce fuel usage and/or to purchase carbon offsets. Carbon offsets can often be purchased directly from airlines or by supporting projects directly. Please check with your chosen airline for options to offset your carbon footprint.

For more information on travelling to Zagreb and the available transportation options within the city, please visit the official Zagreb tourism website.


Special accommodation deals for those attending ESHE 2024 are available at Hotel International, TimeOut Heritage Hotel, Hotel Academia, Hotel Garden and Hotel Dubrovnik.

Please, regardless of the hotel listed below, make sure to indicate that you are participating in the ESHE 2024 conference.

Booking for these hotels is possible via direct link and using a booking code. Please contact us for the link and booking code (

Hotel International

We have 50 pre-booked rooms with breakfast for the duration of the conference.

Hotel International Website

Hotel Academia

Booking via direct e-mail and using a booking code.

Hotel Academia Website

Timeout Heritage Hotel Zagreb

Booking via direct e-mail and using a booking code.

Timeout Heritage Hotel Zagreb Website

Hotel Garden

Booking via direct e-mail and using a booking code.

Hotel Garden Website

Hotel Dubrovnik

Booking via direct e-mail and using a booking code.

Hotel Dubrovnik Website

All of the offers above are subject to availability and on a first-come-first-served basis.