The following errors occurred:

  • Poster and Pecha Kucha uploads have already closed for 2025.

Poster or Pecha Kucha Upload
If you wish to have your student poster considered for the Poster Prize or if you are giving a Pecha Kucha presentation, use the form below to upload your presentation. To upload, you will need your meeting registration code. This code was sent to you when you registered. If you cannot find this email, you can request this code again by using the form on the Contact page. Poster presentations should be in either PowerPoint or PDF format (PDF preferred), and Pecha Kucha presentations must be in PowerPoint format (we realize this is an inconvenience for some, but we need all the presentations in one format so that we can arrange them in groups and set the timing of each slide).
You can upload your presentation as many times as you like prior to the deadlines. The deadline for posters is Sept. 15, 2021. The last day for Pecha Kucha is Sept. 11, 2021. All deadlines are midnight PST.
For large uploads, allow some time for the file to be processed. When the upload is complete, you will be redirected to our home page and you will receive a confirmation email. This confirmation email will include a link to the uploaded file for verification purposes.